Chakra balancing * Chord Clearing/Cutting * energetic cleansing * reiki

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“I wanted to thank you again for the energy work you offered. i wish i had shared more with you about the experience and what unfolded in the days to follow - needless to say, my mind has been blown, and i am so grateful to you, and for you.”

- Jaime, Costa Rica - january 2019


* I am currently accepting a limited number of clients for all services. Please email me at to book a session, thanks!

So, what is energy healing? I like to think of my sessions as nervous system restoration.

Many of my clients have deeply transformational and healing experiences in their first session - it’s powerful and personal work, that has a lasting impact. Each person will have a totally unique experience, and no two sessions will ever be the same.

We are almost constantly being bombarded with other people’s energies - their hopes, dreams, expectations. And, I hope we can agree that energy is a real thing. For example, when you walk into a room and the energy feels weird, or you just get “a feeling” about a situation - this is your intuition and nervous system picking up on the subtle energies that are being emitted. Now, imagine that you’ve been absorbing that stuff your whole life, and have never had the opportunity to release, discharge, or transfer that energy out of your body. It can get stuck - it can show up as anxiety, depression, insomnia, general lack of caring or listlessness, feeling burnt out for no reason, and feelings of overwhelm (to name a few).

During an energy healing session we will work with the chakra system to release anything that no longer serves you. This can include healing past trauma, stuck emotions, releasing old patterns, and letting go of things that you didn’t even realize you were still holding onto. The way the treatments will effect each person are infinite - and one of the amazing things to witness.

All sessions are confidential, between you and me.

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energy & chakra balancing - 75min $88

This module is great for people who don’t know where to begin, or are looking for a general overall energy restoration.

I work with the different energy levels within your body to rebalance through the Chakra system, using different tools including: a pendulum, stones/crystals, reiki, palo santo, sage, oracle cards, intuitive hands on healing, and sound healing.

Benefits of this treatment are many, and include: help with insomnia, better sleep patterns, an overall lightness in the body, a feeling of deep relaxation, a release of unwanted or stuck energy, release of anxiety, and a general feeling of well being.

The session is 75 minutes, and includes a time for setting an intention, and time after the session to talk about ways to help keep the Chakras in balance, with a take home sheet of personalized suggestions for you based on our session.

It is my belief that you will release what needs to go and what you are ready to release. You will heal what needs to be healed at the time, and begin to develop an innate trust in your body, mind, spirit, and soul.

chord clearing / cutting - 90min $122

Chord clearing/cutting is deeper work, and more specific. The Chakra balancing is an overall general rebalancing, whereas in this module I work with the client to release the energy no longer needed that is intertwined with a very specific person. This can be anyone you’ve ever met, because as soon as we meet someone there is an energetic connection established. Some are obviously deeper than others - the barista at the coffee shop is most likely going to have a lighter energetic connection than one of your parents or a sibling. It’s an untangling of the client’s energy and the energy of that specific person, releasing them from each other.

The release of energy is accessed through the Chakra system, and uses the same tools as the general balancing. Depending on how deeply the chords are entangled, the session will be around 90 minutes (sometimes a little longer), and includes a time for setting an intention and aftercare for you. I will need to know the name of the person we are releasing, however I would prefer to not know the relationship you have/had with that person until after the session (if it all). Chord clearing/cutting can be with anyone, alive or passed.

Reiki - 30min $44 + 45min $66

If you are looking for a lighter form of energy healing work, Reiki might be for you! Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered with healing touch, and is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Frequently Asked questions

What is a typical session like? As you arrive at my private studio I will ask you to remove your shoes, and invite you to my seating area. We will have a few moments to check in, and then you’ll lie on your back on a massage table. I will make sure you’re comfortable, and then begin the session. Every session will be a little different, and will most likely include the following: oracle cards, hands on healing, Sage/Palo Santo burning, relaxing music, crystals/gems, and an eye pillow. The only thing I will ask of you is to breath fully and deeply - this is an excellent tool for moving stuck energy through/out. You will most likely feel like you are entering a meditative state/light sleep (it’s ok if you fall asleep) - think of it as a really long Savasana. Some people like to talk to me about what they are experiencing, and others will chose to remain quiet - either way is totally fine :) Some people do experience cleansing tears. And, if at any point things feel too intense, we will stop working in that area and go lighter. At the end of the session we will have another check in time before you depart.

Is Energy Healing the same as Reiki? I like to think of all the modules working together - the Chakra Balancing & Chord Clearing I offer are a combination of Reiki hands on healing - where you are receiving energy into your body - and also a release of the energies that are not yours and/or that you no longer need to hang onto.

Will I be wearing clothes? Shoes? You will remain clothed for our session, so please wear something comfy! I will ask for you to remove your shoes upon entering the studio, and for our treatment - it is easier for me to access the grounding energy in your feet without shoes. However if you are not comfortable with that please let me know, and it’ll be fine for you to wear your shoes.

How will I feel afterward? Each person is going to have a different experience, and no two sessions will be exactly the same. Most clients feel lighter, more free, peaceful, connected, brighter, relaxed, and sometimes sleepy! The energy that is not yours, and has been weighing you down, will be released.

What is your cancellation policy? If the cancellation is less than 48 hours before your session, you will be fully charged for the session. Within 48 hours of your originally scheduled appointment, if you decide to reschedule your appointment for a later date/time, there will be no charge. If you cancel within 72 hours of your original appointment, you will be refunded, minus a $50 cancellation fee.