I was reminded (again) today that it is ok to fail.
I was also told this little tidbit - which I absolutely love:
"Please take my advice, I'm not using it." ;)
In every yoga class that I teach, as the participants grit their teeth and clench their jaws and scrunch their toes and muscle into the poses, I ask them "what would happen if you fail? Truly. What would happen if, at this moment, you are not able to do the pose to the level you *think* you should, and instead you meet yourself where you are. You embrace the current moment, for all of it's glory and 'failure'." And as I watch, I see a softening occur. The breath deepens. A smile touches the corners of the face, the hairline and temples relax. You see, it is not really a failure, more of a learning about ourselves moment - how will we react when faced with 'failure' - can we continue to feel love and be love and spread love.
I had set off with lofty goals for the summer, and as we are now approaching August(!) I can definitely take a look back and think - wow, I have really failed at these goals. And this is where I have been for the past month or so. Now, from an outsiders perspective, I haven't failed at all! A successful yoga retreat a few weekends ago, lots of breakthroughs, an awesome live music yoga class that I taught, connections being formed, bonds being created, truly enjoying the summer :) And yet I have been in this place of feeling like "BUT you didn't get x, y, z completed so..."
So. That's just it. So. I'm taking back my power. I will not be paralyzed by the fear of 'failure' - Every new moment, every new breath, is just that - NEW! A chance to grab the reigns and move forward at the pace I choose, noticing how each moment effects the next. To ride the wave of inhale and exhale, to chose to be present with the 'failures' I have - to always choose love over fear.
Look at all these happy yogi's after our live music class with Ley Line on July 26!