"I am rooted, but I flow" - Virginia Woolf

Like a tree with branches and leaves you are connected to something bigger. We can all be individuals, yet still part of the whole. Heart Thread Yoga's 200 hour Yoga Alliance certified training is focused on bringing you deeper into your authentic yoga experience. This goes beyond the physical Asana practice, to exploring the traditional 8 limbs of yoga with a modern twist. Influenced by Vinyasa Flow yoga, the roots of Heart Thread Yoga's training are based in Curiosity, Compassion, and Expansion. Please explore and contact us with any questions you might have!     



Free Choice - Inquiry - Exploration - Intrigue Beginner's Mind - Quality over Quantity - Passion Non-Mechanical - Interest - Effort & Ease



Non-Judgement - Love - Surrender - Acceptance  Release - Will & Surrender  Whole-Hearted Allowing - Kindness - Assuming the Best



Growth - Empowerment - Sensitivity - Edge   Creating Space - Presence - Attention - Witness Proactive vs. Reactive - Balance

3 weeks of transformation

December 1 - december 22, 2018

at vida asana yoga school in

Playa Hermosa, COSTA RICA

What will we learn? What are the benefits?

"No one wants to be 'rescued' with someone else's beliefs. Remember your task is not to convert anyone to anything, but to help the person in front of you get in touch with his or her own strength, confidence, faith, and spirituality - whatever that might be."

- The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying  

  • Yoga postures (Asana): supportive alignment, benefits, potential risks, including modifications for various body types, levels and abilities
  • Yogic breath work (Pranayama) and Meditation practices to deepen self knowledge and move toward heightened vitality and health 
  • Anatomy, Physiology, & Kinesiology through both lecture and experiential practice 
  • Hands on adjustments - The art of compassionate and supportive touch
  • Conscious communication skills for teaching, as well as living off the mat
  • Energetic anatomy
  • Yogic philosophy and how it applies to our modern lives
  • Co-create a safe circle for sharing and reflection with other yogis
  • Learn valuable skills for better interpersonal communication, coping with stress, speaking to a group and maintaining a positive outlook
  • A foundation to expand upon with confidence and freedom
  • Confidence through practice teaching
  • Teaching methodology, including: a discussion panel with successful yoga teachers about teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student learning process, group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries
  • Exploration through the lens of Curiosity, Compassion, and Expansion of the eight limbs of yoga
  • The art and science of sequencing a yoga class
  • Various specific modules including: teaching Prenatal yoga, restorative yoga, and yoga for beginners 
  • How do your thoughts/words/actions effect your body
  • Intro to the basics of Ayurveda
  • Feel confident teaching and sharing yoga from your unique perspective
  • Experience the growth and depth of your practice over 4 months, as you expand your understanding of yoga and yourself

This training is about going deeper into your yoga practice, and into your life.

It's about unearthing and developing the tools to live your authentic life.

It's about taking your yoga practice and applying it in the day to day grind.

It's about finding your voice, practicing clear communication, and becoming a yoga teacher - even if you never teach in a class setting - you are still sharing the gift of yoga through your daily interactions with the world.    


Questions? Rachel@HeartThreadYoga.com